
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good & Good

Meaning the passerine flight (especially morning flight) and hawk flight today. The former was diverse this morning, with Morning Flight observers enjoying about 20 species of warblers including the ever-elusive Connecticut, plus Wilson's, Bay-breasted and Blackpolls, BT Greens and Blues, Nashville, Tennesee, and Cape Mays. Mind you, these are flybys at the dike or the platform. In the fields at Higbee, much the same list was compiled, if you polled multiple observers and made their findings additive. A nice little pocket of birds entertained a bigger pocket of birders in the second field, northwest corner, including Northern Parulas, several Black-throated Green Warblers, a Tennesee, a couple Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and an Alder Flycatcher was just a little further south of there.

The flight was pretty wonderous in volume in the first hour or so after sunrise, in particular of Palm Warblers, virtually all western-type. Redstarts have noticeably thinned, and so the diversity was special too.

The hawk flight was in the ozone, thanks to clear skies and lots of thermals. But many birds could be found by careful scanning.

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