
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sandhill and Stilt Sandpiper Photos

[Here's yesterday's Sandhill Crane, photographed by Michael O'Brien. As anyone who saw this bird, in the back field of the beanery, can verify, it was difficult to get a photo of it without one of the goose decoys it was standing amongst! Late yesterday evening, Tony Leukering reported that the crane was over the hawk watch, so who knows where or if it will be seen on Sunday.]

[One of yesterday's flyby flocks of shorebirds at the hawk watch. Can you find the Stilt Sandpiper? Stilt Sands look smaller than you would think, especially in flight when their long legs only trail behind, rather than make them look tall as they do when Stilt Sandpipers forage next to dowithchers or Lesser Yellowlegs. Photo by Michael O'Brien.]

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