
Saturday, September 26, 2009

White-throated Sparrow Arrival + More on the State Park

[Watching warblers at Cape May Point State Park yesterday. We're under the cedars just a little way down the right fork, and it's the cooperative first fall female Canada Warbler that's making us (front to back, Tony, Cameron and me) smile. Photo by Dale Rosselet.]

The warbler collection on the state park red trail was still there last night for the relocated CMBO walk - relocated from the meadows, that is, which are still closed. The walk finished with 9 Common Nighthawks in the air, according to Karl Lukens. The walk added Bay-breasted and Blackburnian Warblers to the list (see below); Doug Gochfeld had seen the Blackburnian earlier in the day.

In the pre-dawn hour the long, level sseeeet flight note of a White-throated Sparrow came in through the window, my first of the fall. The bird appeared under my feeder as the sun rose. Welcome back!

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