
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Big Sit Photos, Hawk Watch Update

[Cape May Hawk Watch Board, updated through the end of day, Sunday October 11. 21,997 raptors to date. Click to enlarge. Persistent internet problems at our seasonal counters' residence have delayed posting count results, this will be remedied as soon as possible.]

[Oglers at the 12+ species warbler tree, corner of Coral and Cambridge in Cape May, October 10th. It's a Chinese Elm, funny enough. Photo by Don Freiday, click to enlarge. That's Tony Leukering taking the photos, with Vince Elia and Virginia Rettig leaning against the car at left.]

[Sunday's Big Sit, mid morning. Tom Reed, in the center with the shades on, gets credit for organizing this. See Tom's blog below for a full account of the day. Photo by Don Freiday, click to enlarge.]

[Big Sit, shortly before (or was it after? I can't remember) the Least Bittern circled up right of the Lighthouse and headed south. Photo by Don Freiday, click to enlarge.]

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