
Friday, October 30, 2009

Clay-colored Sparrow, Eiders, Gannet

[This Clay-colored Sparrow, originally found by Michael O'Brien, lingered during the day today along the path between Bunker Pond and the dune at Cape May Point State Park. Photos by Don Freiday; click to enlarge.]

13 Common Eiders were seen off Coral Avenue today, along with 4 Long-tailed Ducks. Common Eiders were also easy to find at the Avalon Sea Watch, where several Great Cormorants also flew past. Multiple White-winged Scoters passed Avalon in the early afternoon, including about 9 in a single species flock - headed north.

[Above and below, this Northern Gannet rested on the Jetty at the Concrete Ship, not normal behavior and probably indicating the bird was sick or in poor condition, although someone reported seeing it feeding.]

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