
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Common Eider, White-rumped Sandpiper, Crystal Ball

Yesterday (Saturday) during the day a Common Eider floated itself around Cape May Point, seen opposite the Cape May Point State Park south pavilion by Doug Gochfeld and a bit later at the jetty north of St. Mary's by Vince Elia. The pool atop the Higbee Dike (which, with all this rain, is going to be a mean trick to climb) held shorebirds including 7 White-rumped Sandpipers yesterday morning.

The ol' crystal ball here says Monday for hawks (winds northwest 15 to 25) including maybe the season's first Golden Eagle or Northern Goshawk? That could happen Tuesday, too, with winds WNW early but apparently going SW later, less good.

As far as songbirds, Monday night looks good for a nocturnal flight, with skies clear and wind northwest 10-15. Given not much major has happened on the passerine front in particular and for night-migrants in general since early last week, thanks to the northeaster (s), Tuesday seems like a day to skip work, too.

Now, what to do today? Drink coffee and study bird books? Watch video clips and play sounds of Black-tailed Godwits and other such dreambirds on Cornell's Macaulay Library web site ? Perhaps it's time to venture forth and test the limits of birdable weather. . .

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