
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hawks out of the fog

Sunday Oct. 4
A heavy fog settled into the area for most of the morning. WNW winds kept people around and for good reason. As the fog burned off raptors began to stream out of it. The flight was as terrific as the turn out to see it. Hundreds of people had a great time on the watch today as birds were being called out left and right throughout the day. Peregrine falcons were abundant again with over 100 observed. Kettles of Broad-winged and Cooper's hawks over the Ceders happened several times. The real excitement happened when a partial albino osprey pushed past the watch and the was observed across the bay in 26 minutes. Very cool. Non-raptor highlights include Common Moorhen, Clay-colored Sparrow, and Glossy Ibis. Monday appears to be shaping up to be W winds and plenty of sunshine. Could also be good.

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