
Monday, October 19, 2009

Kinglet and Hawk Flight

Apparently not everything moved last night, but kinglets sure did, with a "ton" around, especially on the west side of Cape Island. I listened for migrants around 5 a.m. and heard almost nothing, just a couple Yellow-rumpeds and Savannah Sparrows.

The many White-crowned Sparrows are still at the state park, and a Nashville Warbler entertained platform regulars in the cedars at the end of the platform. Duck numbers on Bunker Pond continue to increase, most noticeably today in the Gadwall department. One of the many flyby Eastern Meadowlarks landed in the state park parking lot. Pipits were regular over the platform, and I heard one Purple Finch.

And hawks are flying - I had over 200 Sharp-shinneds in the 9-10 a.m. hour while swing counting for Pete, and a few Broad-wingeds, harriers, eagles. . .good day shaping up.

Mike Crewe tells me there are three Common Eiders in the Coral Avenue scoter flock this morning.

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