
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two Mile Beach Report

The cold front's passed through, but the wind is howling out of the west. A Parasitic Jaeger pumped by the state park this morning, pre-front and not terribly far offshore, while we took shelter in the pavilion next to the food trailer from the rain at the frontal boundary.

The Two-mile Beach Unit of the Cape May National Wildlife Refuge, off Ocean Drive just south of the Wildwoods, is one good pick for the strong west wind days we sometimes have (like today and tomorrow). Two Mile gets a mix of birds - yesterday's CMBO walk garnered just under 60 species. Plus, west wind puts birds on the coast, the ocean lays down a little, and you can find shelter on the ocean side of the dune. Why, it's the sort of place a ground-dove could show up. . . there have been no further reports of that bird so far.

Chuck and MJ Slugg reported finding several Tri-colored and Little Blue Herons in the Two-mile vicinity yesterday, and also noted that the new board walk trail to the coast guard ponds gives a glare-free view. As duck migration kicks in, this is going to be a good spot to check. Doug nearly broke the Avalon Seawatch single day Northern Pintail record yesterday, with over 900 if I remember correctly, so it's kicking in now.

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