
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ivory Gull Continues Plus Updates - Patagonia Picnic Table Effect

The Cape May Ivory Gull continued all day today at the Breezee Lee Marina on Ocean Drive. I'll post any "last seen" info when/if available.

The Swainson's Hawk was found this morning near the junction of Bayshore Road and Stevens Street. Vince Elia later reported it soaring near the West Cape May canal bridge shortly after noon.

An immature male Selasphorus hummingbird frequented a feeder at the corner of Coral and Cambridge Avenues in Cape May Point. There are apparently two different hummingbirds there (plus a third, a Ruby-throated, at a home on Steven's Street.) From Lighthouse Avenue heading towards Cape May Point State Park, turn right on Coral and follow it to Cambridge. The house is on the right before Cambridge. Park sensibly and stay on the road when viewing, please. Photos of one of these birds will be up here soon.

A Western Kingbird was seen from the hawk watch and the same or another was located at The Nature Conservancy's (TNC)'s Cape Island Creek Preserve. Reach the preserve by going east to the end of Wilson Avenue from Broadway in West Cape May. Cross the railroad tracks, enter the fields, and go left, checking the field edges. The preserve ends at a private farm, please pay attention to the TNC boundary postings.

Apparently 11 White Pelicans flew north over the Breezee Lee Marina today, I'm not sure who that report originally comes from.

A Yellow-headed Blackbird female or first winter male flew over the Cape May Point State Park Hawkwatch this morning and almost certainly the same bird was seen minutes later flying over the Beanery headed towards Higbee Beach.

An American Avocet was found at and/or continues at TNC's Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge a.k.a. the South Cape May Meadows. Look from the east path at "Gull Island," the island opposite the bend in the path.

Lighthouse Pond at Cape May Point State Park now hosts 3-4 Eurasian Wigeon of immature male/female persuasion, plus 2 female Redheads first reported by Vince Elia. View it from the bird blind on the red trail in the morning and from Lighthouse Avenue in the afternoon for best light.

The Two Mile Beach Unit of the Cape May National Wildlife Refuge, on Ocean Drive farther "in" (east/northeast) from the Ivory Gull, had an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull on the beach early this morning, and even more Common Eiders going by headed south.

Farther north, Karen Johnson just texted in a Short-eared Owl and 2 dark morph Rough-legged Hawks seen today at Mott's Creek, up near Brigantine, as well as 80 Tundra Swans flying over.

With all these great birds around, and so many birders, one wonders what will be found next? This could hardly be a more obvious scenario for the famous Patagonia Picnic Table Effect -wherein good birds attract good birders who find more good birds. Speaking of good birders, my apologies if the first discoverers of the birds listed are not always mentioned - today reports rained in from all around, a very good thing, and it is difficult to know who first saw what. Collectively, we saw a lot!

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