
Friday, November 20, 2009

Swainson's Hawk, Cave Swallow Update; Perfect Night for Owls; Tomorrow. . .?

Doug Gochfeld had the Swainson's Hawk from the hawk watch platform at Cape May Point State Park around 2:00 p.m. today, out over the meadows. We're going to have to dig into the records a little to verify this, but I think this bird is the longest staying Cape May Swainson's Hawk on record.

But, if you haven't seen the Swainson's yet and want to, you better come tomorrow, because if it hasn't left already it may well leave tomorrow, with the forecast winds northwest 8-10 mph. It's a good bet we'll have Golden Eagle tomorrow, too, and an excellent hawk flight in general.

Doug also had at least four Cave Swallows today. I was up at Island Beach State Park leading an NJAS field trip with Scott Barnes, and we had 2 other southbound Cave Swallows there at 1:30 p.m. that likely are now in Cape May, as well as two flocks of Snow Buntings during the day.

It's a positively lovely night in Cape May, with light northwest winds. If every there were a night when owls, or woodcock, or late-season passerines were going to migrate, it's tonight.

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