
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Shorebirds, Virginia Rail, Swans, Snow Buntings

[Among the shorebirds flying ahead of the rising tide this morning at the free bridge to Nummy Island, south of Stone Harbor, were these six Marbled Godwits, of about a dozen total. Willets, Greater Yellowlegs, Red Knots, Dunlin, oystercatchers, and Western Sandpipers were also present, and a female Common Eider was in Great Channel with the hundreds of Atlantic Brant. Click to enlarge all photos.]

During his 11-hawk-day vigil at the hawk watch platform today, Doug had a couple nice consolation birds. A Virginia Rail was apparently walking around in the marsh in front of the platform, for one. 19 Tundra Swans flew over, and he also had a flock of Snow Buntings flying down the dunes.

[This young Peregrine hunted along the causeway to North Wildwood this morning.]

[Determination to photograph a turkey on Thanksgiving pays off.]

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