
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Vote Yes on Question One!! Plus Migration is Underway

[The sign says it all, and the warbler undoubtedly would agree - New Jersey public question #1 will provide $400 million in open space funding. Learn more at . People, we must pass this initiative - please be sure to vote on Tuesday, and encourage all your friends (especially those in NJ) to vote, too. Photo by Don Freiday, click to enlarge.]

Tony Leukering left me a message this evening about large movements of birds, including robins, bluebirds and blackbirds, along the Delaware Bayshore in the late afternoon. I was up in Salem County and didn't see it happening, but NEXRAD is lit up, and northeast winds or no, conditions are good for migration, for moon-watching (for migrants passing in front of the full moon), for listening, and for birding tomorrow.

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