
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Western Kingbird at Hawk Watch + Looking Offshore

There is a Western Kingbird at the Cape May Point State Park Hawk Watch right now, according to Melissa Roach, who has the pleasure of counting in this (still blowing) northeaster.

I watched the ocean at North Wildwood for a while this morning. Red-throated Loons migrated past fairly steadily, and a few other species were flying around but not seeming to be headed any particular place - Northern Gannets, Common Loons, Black and Surf Scoters, Bufflehead, Red-breasted Merganser and cormorants. A few Great Egrets contrasted with the browning spartina on Nummy Island.

[This Great Cormorant took off from the pool next to the North Wildwood Sea Wall, sometimes a good spot to check for sea ducks, gulls and shorebirds. Note the bird's heavy head and neck. Click to enlarge.]

[What happens when you get interested in photographing a Great Cormorant and stop paying attention to anything else in gusty winds. The scope itself was undamaged - demonstrating why you invest in good optics, so you can abuse them!]

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