
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Harbor Seal on Concrete Ship + Eiders et. al.

[Karl Lukens found this Harbor Seal hauled out on the Concrete Ship yesterday, click to enlarge.]

Karl Lukens reports: "While checking out the concrete ship today I found the Common Eiders (18) feeding in the area. More interesting, a seal was resting on the concrete ship. The Cackling Goose was with Canadas at Shunpike Pond, and I found 2 male (starting to look good) and 1 female Eurasian Wigeons on Lighthouse Pond.

"Sunset Lake in Wildwood had ~6 Common Loons, 3-4 Lesser Scaup, 8-10 Greater Scaup, 3 Red-throated Loons, lots of Buffleheads and 1 Horned Grebe.

"Two Mile had 6-8 Great Blues, 3 Great Egrets, 3 Snowy Egrets, 20-30 Greater Yellowlegs, and a bunch of Dunlin.

"A stop for the Ivory Gull came up empty. - Karl"

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