
Friday, December 18, 2009

Lincoln's Sparrow

Doug Gochfeld seems to be specializing in finding late birds, since he just reported a Lincoln's Sparrow at the Beanery, in the south corner of the first field with about 15 Swamp Sparrows. That's the wet area with the flags marking new plantings we've put in as part of habitat restoration there. Lincoln's is not as crazy as his American Redstart at Avalon two days ago - at least Lincoln's is normal in winter on the extreme south coast, Florida, and lower midwest, though most go farther south. Restart, on the other hand, other than a few in southern Florida, winters from Mexico south to northern South America.

Doug also had 2 Wilson's Snipe, 5 Blue-winged Teal, 7 Ring-necked Ducks, Brown Creeper, Hermit Thrush, Winter Wren, 20 Eastern Meadowlarks, 2 Gray Catbirds, 14 American Pipits, and a flyover apparent Snow Goose/Canada Goose hybrid. Most of the landbirds, other than the Lincoln's, were in the sunlit corner of the "pepper field," i.e. the one with the pepper plants in it, over towards Steven's Street.

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