
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rainy day to become snow... Ivory Gull et al.

In the nastiest-weather day of the fall/winter, the Ivory Gull was quite obliging to the surprisingly many folks braving the weather to ogle it. An immature female Baltimore Oriole popped up in front of me at the entrance to the Rea Farm (Beanery) this afternoon. There's been no word on the hummer or the Swainson's Hawk, though I made desultory attempts to see both, to no avail. The forecast has the rain changing to snow tonight with a predicted accumulation of an inch. Tomorrow's weather is forecast to be sunny but still what the Weather Service calls "breezy" - that is, 15-20 mph, gusts to 30 mph. At least, it shouldn't be raining. And sun with snow on the ground should at least make for new photo ops for the Ivory Gull!

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