
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Still Here

[Ivory Gull photo du jour, taken in the rain yesterday by Tony Leukering. Click to enlarge all photos, and check out the new Ivory Gull Photo Album.]

The Ivory Gull continues at the Breezee Lee Marina as of 8:00 a.m. this morning, Gull Day 7.

The Selasphorus hummingbird also continues at the corner of Coral and Cambridge in Cape May Point through yesterday. I didn't hear one way or the other about the Swainson's Hawk.

A birder from Philadelphia left their scope at the Breezee Lee yesterday morning, if anyone has it please contact CMBO so it can be returned.

[Tony also took this photo of the Harlequin at Avalon. . .]

[. . .and this male Long-tailed Duck.]

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