
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sandhill Crane Continues at Villas, Geese in Cape May

[Sandhill Crane at Villas WMA, today in the field southeast of the big lake. Click to enlarge all photos.]

A short wintry ramble around Villas WMA produced, besides the crane above, good-sized groups of Ring-necked Ducks and American Wigeon on the pond, a mixed flock of sparrows including 50 Chipping Sparrows, Eastern Bluebirds, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, adult Bald Eagle, and a pair of Red-tailed Hawks acting, well, like a pair.

Karl Lukens found a Cackling Goose in a big flock of Canadas along Sunset Boulevard in Cape May, and there was a blue Snow Goose on the Shunpike Pond.

[This Red-bellied Woodpecker at Villas WMA found a drink in an ice-rimmed pond.]

[And then flew up into an oak.]

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