
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Eagle Festival IS CANCELLED; Eastern Phoebe and King Eider

Due to the approaching storm system, we have been forced to cancel the Cumberland County Eagle Festival scheduled for this Saturday, February 6. Opportunities to see Bald Eagles in southern New Jersey still abound this winter, including on many of CMBO's Field Trips.

In fact, there's a viewable eagle nest just up the road from CMBO's center on Route 47 in Goshen, at Beaver Swamp WMA, where I see eagles every day. The nest at Beaver Swamp is so huge that the incubating female is sometimes invisible, or only the top of her head will be sticking up. If we get the 12-20 inches of snow forecast for Friday-Saturday, you wouldn't want to drive down the road into the WMA for quite a few days after.

In other news, Mike Crewe had the King Eider at Poverty Beach, I think that was Monday, and found an Eastern Phoebe by a roadside pond near 4065 Bayshore Road on Cape Island yesterday. This morning an American Kestrel flew north over Kimble's Beach Road.

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