
Friday, February 12, 2010

Feeder Birds; 7 Tree Sparrows = Migration?

[Carolina Wren takes a break from the suet yesterday. Click to enlarge photos.]

Reports totalling 7 Tree Sparrows yesterday in Cape May County, when before none were being reported, seem to indicate these birds were not wintering locally but who really knows? 2+ are at my Del Haven feeders, Dave LaPuma has one in the Villas, 2 are at Dave Lord's in Goshen, plus one more in Goshen at Amy Gaberlein's, and Mike Crewe has one on Cape Island.

[Another sparrow reported at feeders during and after the storms is Swamp Sparrow, like this one at mine yesterday.]

[Feeder watching is fun. . .to a point. We're ready to see a bit more of the countryside, hopefully the weather will let us!]

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