
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter Continues, But Birds Are Out There

It will be interesting to hear how Don and Megan got on in Cumberland County today, as some of the more remote tracks are still snowed in up there, but Cape May Point is pretty much opened up now - though Bayshore Road and Stevens Street remain tricky (which is a pain because it's my route to work each day!). American Woodcock continue to be reported at many locations, especially in yards around Cape May Point and the Rea Farm stand had two American Tree Sparrows as I drove past this morning. A scattering of Horned Larks were noted and I had a party of 11 which flew south along the beach by the Cape May Ferry Dock. The latter site had a Black-headed Gull yesterday, still present today so probably well worth a look tomorrow. Vince Elia reported a single Razorbill flying south off Sunset Boulevard this morning and a good scattering of Black Scoter were to be seen there.

Continuing the theme of feeder birds (yet again!), three Brown Thrashers were gracing the Northwood Center feeders today along with the usual selection of other birds, including our faithful male Eastern Towhee.

Well, we had to go one better at the Northwood Center today - at least for silliness if not for rarity value. Three Mallards somehow discovered the feeders yesterday, and brought along another seven mates today - here's a few of them!

A scarce winter bird at Cape May, this wonderful male American Kestrel was along Bayshore Road at lunch time - and a nice addition to our yard list!

Six Tundra Swans were on the Cape May Canal this evening by the ferry dock and flew off over a snowy Higbee Dike. Being five adults and one juvenile, I'll wager they're the birds that have been wintering at Cape May Point State Park.

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