
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

15th Annual Optics Sale this Weekend!! + Really Neat Goose Report

[Good optics you can use well are critical to your enjoyment of birding.]

Time for a binocular upgrade or a new scope? CMBO's annual optics sale is this weekend, March 13 and 14, at CMBO's Center for Research and Education, 600 Route 47 North, Goshen NJ 08210. Doors open at 9:00 a.m., and the sale is only for CMBO or NJAS members (you can join here.) Proceeds support our mission work. The sale includes demos, factory refurbished and used binoculars and scopes. Reps from Kowa, Leica, Manfrotto, Nikon, Swarovski and Zeiss will be on hand Saturday to answer questions. Sorry, no telephone or advance orders, but you can shop for new optics on-line at our store, .

Sam Galick (two-season CMBO Morning Flight counter) sent me note about some Canada Geese that were anything but humdrum:

"This past week I was contacted about 4 collared Canada Geese I observed in North Cape May. . .Those four geese were tagged about 2,100 miles away as the crow flies in Greenland this past summer. They mentioned how they also tagged juvs with leg bands, and in the photos you can see a goose with no neck collar but a leg band. It's probably one of them; I can read out two of the three letters/numbers. . . There were also 2 more geese with similar color and plumage characteristics of the tagged geese. All of them sticking together I assume they are part of the same social group and/or family."

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