
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Arrivals: Cattle Egret, Purple Martin

Tom Reed had a Cattle Egret just north of the Cape May Canal this morning, along Seashore Road at its junction with Academy Road. Mike Crewe found the season's first Purple Martins, 3 birds on wires along Bayshore Road near Stimpson.

I poked around a couple places along the bayshore this morning. Cook's Beach Road is heavily and deeply potholed but passable in a vehicle with decent clearance. A male Northern Harrier hunted the marsh there, a marsh much flattened by the snow, as they all are. The "Ibis Pond" on Reed's Beach Road had handsome male Belted Kingfisher perched over a pair of Green-winged Teal, and an adult Bald Eagle sat low in a snag along the road.

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