
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Eared Grebe, Eur. Wig, Tree Swallows, Frogs and Butterfly

[Karl Lukens photographed 2 smart looking male Eurasian Wigeon on Lighthouse Pond west today, here's one of them. Click to enlarge photos. Karen Johnson had yet another Eurasian Wigeon at Corbin City Impoundments today.]

This morning Tom Reed, Karl Lukens et. al. relocated an Eared Grebe reported yesterday on the jerseybirds list-serve by Chris Vogel. The bird is south of Nummy Island.

In addition to the ducks pictured here, Karl Lukens reports the 6 wintering Tundra Swans continue on Bunker Pond, and lots of Bonaparte's Gulls were at the Concrete Ship along with Red-throated Loons and Black Scoters.

In keeping with today's spring-like weather, Karen Johnson reports 35 Tree Swallows and 80 Ring-necked Ducks on Tarkiln Lake in Belleplain today. Wood Frogs, Spring Peepers and New Jersey Chorus Frogs were calling on Beaver Swamp Road at noon today, and Will Kerling had a Mourning Cloak butterfly there. Will also had the continuing Common Goldeneye.

[Common Eiders and Black Scoter at the Whilden/Coral Ave. jetties in Cape May Point today. Photo by Karl Lukens.]

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