
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Egret, Ospreys, More Terns, Lagus, different Golden Eagle

[This Great Egret enjoyed soaking up the sun as much as I did this morning. It has been favoring the little pond on the left hand side of Kimble's Beach Road since it appeared there February 24.]

Ospreys have been on the Maurice River for 4 days or more, apparently, and Karen Johnson had one on Tarkiln Lake in Belleplain yesterday.

Two dozen Forster's Terns and 2 Laughing Gulls were reported at Miami Beach in the Villas this morning.

Dave Lord's report from Sunday's Turkey Point walk is now up on Field Trip Reports, and includes an immature Golden Eagle there, a different bird than the adult that has been seen by the lucky on and off this winter.

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