
Monday, March 8, 2010

Saturday Black-headed Gull, other Notes

[The grass at the ferry terminal is littered by feathers from gulls in pre-alternate molt. Gulls often roost here during the day, especially at high tide. Click to enlarge photos.]

Had the Black-headed Gull twice on Saturday, once at 7:00 a.m. on the bay opposite Elwood Ave., about a mile north of the ferry, and again at 11:30 a.m. on the Gull Workshop, feeding with Bonaparte's Gulls behind the churning props of a ferry about to leave. When the ferry left, the gulls left too, heading south towards the concrete ship.

Tom Reed reported the immature male King Eider at Poverty Beach on Saturday afternoon, "relatively close." We had an adult male Common Eider off St. Mary's on Saturdays while looking at gulls, after this eider-rich winter one forgets what a nice sighting that is.

Results from Saturday's Cape May Point walk and Woodcock Dance are up on Field Trip Reports. The former included the two male Eurasian Wigeon and drake Redhead on Lighthouse Pond.

I hear from Dave Lord that Turkey Point was pretty special on Sunday morning, including a dark Rough-legged Hawk and, carrying just as much allure, the season's first butterfly (he didn't say which). I found myself thinking yesterday that I'm tired of looking at ducks and gulls, ducks and gulls, ducks and gulls. . .likely by June I'll be longing for them.

[This Atlantic Brant suffered identity issues on the Villas WMA pond yesterday. They are seldom seen even flying over land, so why this one was with the Canadas on freshwater is uncertain.]

[Eastern Bluebirds were singing and checking out the nest boxes at Villas yesterday, one target for our Introduction to Birdsong Workshop April 24.]

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