
Friday, April 23, 2010

Add Wood Thrush + A Few Pics

[I know it's a family-style blog, but. . . Joey Lounsbury caught these Piping Plovers at Two-Mile Beach on Tuesday. Joey's a young birder who was visiting Cape May with his father. Piping Plovers are tough to sex, but there's no doubt here, offering a good chance to compare the thickness of the dark forehead stripes, in particular. Male Piping Plovers are more strongly marked overall, including the thicker forehead stripe and a broader collar that is more likely to be complete, or close to it, than on females, but there is overlap. Click to enlarge]

Dave Lord reports that Wood Thrush was in at Vine Street near Belleplain yesterday morning.

[Worm-eating Warbler belts out a song in Belleplain at the triangle Thursday. Photo by Karl Lukens.]

[Broad-winged Hawks are back, this one was at Belleplain. Photo by Karl Lukens.]

[Mike Hannisian had this Red Bat near Goshen.]

[Pectoral Sandpiper at the plover ponds, Cape May Point State Park on Tuesday, by Joey Lounsbury. ]

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