
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Announcing Camp Cape May!

Youth birders (and parents) take note: CMBO will offer its first ever youth birding camp, for birders ages 14-18, this summer. The camp, running from Sunday August 22 – Saturday, August 28, 2010, will be led by Don Freiday and VENT leader Louise Zemaitis, and will feature guest programs and field trips with NJA’s Pete Dunne and Dale Rosselet; VENT leader Michael O'Brien; professional photographer Scott Whittle; and others.

The “camp” (we will actually stay in a comfortable rental on Queen Street in Cape May), co-sponsored by Victor Emmanuel Nature Tours, brings birders ages 14 to 18 to one of the best places in North America to enjoy visible migration, a place that packs incredibly diverse habitats into a small space. But readers of this web site already know all that!

Read more about the camp, and download the itinerary and registration information here. And tell your friends!

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