
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Early morning warblers, The nuthatch and offshore movements

With fingers tightly crossed, it looks like we could have a classic early April day at Cape May today. David LaPuma was up-beat last night (and it wasn't just the wine we were drinking, or Scott's amazing roast lamb!!) and it looked set for some nice overnight migration. Indeed, Scott's balcony in town served as an impromptu bird observatory during the evening and a Clapper Rail was heard calling overhead in the dark!.

So far this morning, the Brown-headed Nuthatch has been confirmed as still present; elsewhere there are reports from Sam Gallick and Tom Read of the season's first Ovenbird at the road triangle near Sunset Bridge and Glen Davis reports Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Prairie Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler and Red-breasted Nuthatch at the point. David LaPuma had at least three Common Yellowthroats at the Migratory Bird Refuge off Sunset Boulevard.

The star attraction - Brown-headed Nuthatch continues at Cape May Point this morning - currently best looked for at the corner of Lincoln and Cape Avenues, near the dune crossover. [Photo by Mike Crewe]

My route to work confirmed the Solitary Sandpiper still present at The Beanery pond beside Bayshore Road and a single Cattle Egret there, while yesterday's three Cattle Egrets were still at the vinery pond on Stevens Street.

Three Cattle Egrets continue to grace the Willow Creek Vineyard along Stevens Street, with a fourth bird this morning on Bayshore Road. [Photo by Mike Crewe]

A quick look at Sunset Beach revealed a steady stream of Black and Surf Scoters and Northern Gannets moving out of the Delaware Bay, plus a scattering of Forster's Terns and Bonaparte's Gulls.

This immature Great Cormorant was a nice bonus off Sunset Beach this morning. Note the white face and lack of yellow skin above the base of the bill. [Photo by Mike Crewe]

Skunkheads! The white pates of male Surf Scoters shine brightly in the early morning sun. [Photo by Mike Crewe]

Great views of Northern Gannets are pretty much guaranteed at Sunset Beach in the current weather conditions. [Photo by Mike Crewe]

The rest of the day awaits!

If you head to Belleplain State Park today, keep an eye out at your feet, for more than just birds will be there! Native flowers are now opening (especially on trees and shrubs) and early spring butterflies are emerging.

Henry's Elfin at Belleplain State Forest yesterday. [Photo by Mike Crewe]

Golden Club is currently brightening the edges of lakes and ponds around Cape May County [Photo by Mike Crewe]

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