
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yesterday's Migrant Push Continues

Though it's been a little quieter than yesterday, perhaps because of the prevailing north-west wind today, birds have continued to push on through Cape May and a good range of species continues to be reported. Our own yard provided us with our first-of-season Palm and Blue-winged Warblers and Eastern Kingbird this morning as well as a late American Tree Sparrow, while - between customers - an eye on the trees and lake outside the store has produced 41 species at the Northwood Center so far today (with two hours still to go!), including Blue-headed Vireo (to go with the Yellow-throated Vireo here yesterday) the Yellow Warbler continues from yesterday, two Black-and-white Warblers, Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, Black-throated Green Warbler and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Barn Swallows have been moving north all day too.

Elsewhere, a Wilson's Phalarope was found by Chris Vogel on a flooded field along Tabernacle Road just east of Villas, Heislerville still holds 51 Glossy Ibis, 105 Snowy Egrets,118 Black-crowned Night Herons, two Yellow-crowned Night Herons, and four Wood Thrushes according to Tony Leukering. We've had a scattering of phone calls about Rose-breasted Grosbeaks arriving today at several locations.

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