
Friday, May 21, 2010

Highlights of a great day so far

A quick update on a super first day of the annual Cape May Spring Weekend. Both Mississippi and Swallow-tailed Kites have been seen from the Beanery, State Park and Meadows today. Mourning Warblers were at the beanery wet woods and heard at Higbee near Catbird Corner, south of the tower fields. A good general warbler flight featured multiple Magnolias, Canadas, Northern Waterthrush, 2 Kentuckys - all at Higbee - and a female Yellow-breasted Chat was building a nest in the first tower field. A Black-billed Cuckoo perched briefly in the Higbee parking lot. Bay-breasted Warblers were reported in spruces several places on Cape Island. No news is not good news when it comes to the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher or Black-necked Stilts, but Tom Reed reports a male Curlew Sandpiper at Heislerville.

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