
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rarity Round-up - Painted Bunting, White-faced Ibis, Curlew Sandpiper, Nothing more on Fork-tailed Flycatcher

Catching up: the Fork-tailed Flycatcher, according to Sam Galick, was seen by Tom Wolfe and 2 other observers, at least one of which familiar with the species, early this morning. It disappeared near the Higbee Beach WMA Morning Flight Platform, near the dike, and has not been refound. It was apparently not thought to have continued north past the canal, but who knows.

An immature male Painted Bunting was discovered by Gail Dwyer at her feeders, 165 38th Street in Avalon, and was being seen through late afternoon. Gail says birders can come; please be quiet and courteous, and don't arrive too early in the day. The bird has been regular at the pagoda style feeder in the backyard, but was first seen in the side yard, at feeders visible from the street.

An immature White-faced Ibis was found by Jim Dowdell at Cape May County Airport along Breakwater Road today, and was see into late afternoon.

A Curlew Sandpiper was at Heislerville today. High tide is best.

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