
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Knots, Waxwings, and (for better or worse), the Whole Dirt on the CMBO/Zeiss Team

[Cedar Waxwings are on the move, these are some of over 100 I had at Cape May NWR along the bayshore this morning.]

Update: the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher continued at the South Cape May Meadows, east path near the dogleg, through this morning per Karl Lukens.

Red Knots are scarce on the bayshore so far this spring, though several hundred have been roosting at Reed's Beach on the sod banks at high tide and dribs and drabs have been at other sites.

Finally, Steve Ingraham of Zeiss has posted the complete account of the Zeiss/CMBO team's World Series of Birding, from the perspective of our chase car, including many photos and a little video. What a day. . .view it here.

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