
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Scouts Find The Birds

The whole of Cape May County (and beyond for all I know!!) is alive with clandestine groups of birders, scouring every piece of ground for those elusive extra species that make or break a World Series of Birding count. Some of the highlights for today's search parties included two Wilson's Phalaropes and a White-rumped Sandpiper at the West Cape May Canal Impoundments (though not seen by later visitors), a Dickcissel with the Bobolink flock at the south end of the Hidden Valley fields, a male Harlequin Duck at the Avalon Seawatch and a Yellow-breasted Chat on territory in the Cape May Point State Park. A Gray-cheeked Thrush was seen on the yellow trail in the state park this morning too.

A single adult Mississippi Kite continues to hang out on the island, today seen over the Rea Farm from Stephens Street. On the down side, the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were not at the Northwood Center feeders today, though a surprise find there was a family of just-fledged House Finches.

Yellow-breasted Chat in full song - if you can call it that! - at Cape May Point State Park this morning [photo by Karl Lukens]

Breeding-plumaged Bobolinks are currently gracing the second field at Hidden Valley [photo by Karl Lukens]

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