
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Evening at the Park

[One of the two Sandwich Terns which thought about settling with the Forster's Terns on the Bunker Pond platform tonight, before changing minds and drifting offshore. Click to enlarge photos.]

After braving the dragonfly flight on a bike ride to Cape May last night - I'm not kidding, the Swamp Darners were bouncing off my helmet the whole way there and back - I went back tonight to enjoy and photograph the concentration of birds at Bunker Pond at Cape May Point State Park. I haven't heard if the Black-bellied Whistling-ducks were seen today or not, but plenty of herons and shorebirds made the trip worthwhile.

[A couple Stilt Sandpipers (one here, left bird) joined the Short-billed Dowitchers and yellowlegs tonight.]

[After a month's absence, Green-winged Teal have returned to Cape Island, well, two have anyway.]

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