
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Morning at Tuckahoe

A visit to Tuckahoe/MacNamara WMA produced some nice midsummer birding this morning. I started at the Corbin City portion of the wildlife management area, accessible from Route 50, a few miles north of the town of Tuckahoe.

Most of my time at Corbin City was spent atop the observation deck, where four Least Bitterns made short flights over the course of an hour, and two were also audible. Two recently-fledged Forster's Terns were in the nearby impoundment begging for a meal, and an interesting trio of warblers consisting of Yellow, Yellow-throated and Common Yellowthroat made a brief appearance.

The Tuckahoe portion held another Least Bittern, along with two distant Northern Harriers, a few fly-over Bobolinks, a couple Meadowlarks, a singing Blue Grosbeak, and a single Caspian Tern in the main impoundment. Also in attendance were numerous Greenheads, and a rather disturbing number of Horse Flies.

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