
Friday, July 9, 2010

Skewered. . .er. . .Skua'ed + Eurasian Wigeon

In the wish you had been there department, Tony Leukering, Glen Davis and Clay Sutton had a remarkable South Polar Skua a mere 3 miles or so off Atlantic City. The skua was headed north at a good clip. In the much more normal but still good department, the trio also had 10+ Cory's Shearwaters, 1-2 Greater Shearwaters, and 5+ Wilson's Storm-Petrels between the shore and about 5 miles out. Seems like a little seawatching is in order.

It seems also to be a day for weird records, because Sam Galick discovered a Eurasian Wigeon at Cape May Point State Park, which was later seen flying towards Bunker Pond in the company of an American Wigeon by Karl Lukens. Both, I believe, are the earliest southbound wigeon of their respective kinds ever for Cape May county.

Earlier Sam had some more normal action at the Higbee Dike, in the form of southbound Prothonotary Warbler (already), 13 Bobolinks, and 2 Orchard Orioles.

Vince Elia and Mark Garland had an apparent male Peregrine Falcon over Mark's West Cape May deck yesterday evening, and Vince also heard a Northern Bobwhite in the TNC Cape Island Preserve. Chris Hajduk reports that a Brown Pelican was sitting on the Poverty Beach pilings today.

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