
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday Morning Walk at the Point

A fun morning was had at Cape May Point State Park today with plenty of signs of breeding activity and early fall migration. A family of recently-fledged Orchard Orioles shared a tree with a young male Blue Grosbeak and eight Wood Ducks graced Lighthouse Pond. Two Black-billed Cuckoos were chased around by cherry-eating American Robins - the cuckoos were most likely after the hairy Fall Webworm caterpillars that are now fattening up on various tree leaves. At Bunker Pond, Short-billed Dowitchers, both Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs and several Least Sandpipers were present to add to two nice Solitary Sandpipers seen earlier. Glossy Ibises seemed ever-present overhead, an adult Bald Eagle cruised by in the distance and a southbound Double-crested Cormorant moved through. In addition to the birds, we notched up 16 species of dragonflies & damselflies. (Go to our Field Reports section to see a full list of the 61 species recorded this morning).

Don't miss out on our next State Park walk, Thursday at the Hawkwatch Platform at 08:30 - every day is different from now until winter comes!

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