
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Egret Show and Other Migrants

Our regular Wednesday Morning Cape May Point State Park walk turned up a great range of birds this morning. Bunker Pond yet again surpassed itself with nearly 120 Great Egrets, 65 Snowy Egrets and smaller numbers of Great Blue and Little Blue Herons and Glossy Ibis. An adult and food-begging juvenile Gull-billed Tern were on the muddy island with a plethora of other terns and shorebirds. A few warblers called overhead - stiull mostly Yellow Warblers - but a Northern Waterthrush circled over at one point too and little parties of Bobolinks headed out over the bay. We finished with the first signs of hawk migration as an adult Peregrine and three Broad-winged Hawks circled overhead right near the Hawkwatch Platform. See our Field Reports section for the full species list. The three Black-bellied Whistling-ducks still look very happy and settled on the south side of Lighthouse Pond.

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