
Monday, August 30, 2010

A Good Problem to Have. . .

. . .is too many birds and not enough time, which is how it was on the meadows a.k.a. Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge walk this morning. A good way to guarantee this experience seems to be forgetting one's camera, which I almost never do anymore. . .except this morning. Among the birds was a delightful cooperative Marbled Godwit on the plover pond, the 2 continuing Buff-breasted Sandpipers on the beach, 2 Merlins, a kestrel, and 70-odd other species. These, plus results from the weekend field trips (with a photo of one of Sunday's Villas WMA Olive-sided Flycatcher) is up on field trip reports.

Add to the reports a Lark Sparrow and Baird's Sandpiper at the Higbee dike today.

We've had three days of good morning flight, results from Higbee available on View from The Field. Saturday's flight featured many adult male American Redstarts:

In the non-bird department, the rhythmic droning of Scissor-grinder Cicadas can be heard throughout Cape May, the buzz increasing then decreasing in volume. One such posed for me Saturday:

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