
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Little Yellow Butterfly Incursion

[Little Yellow, photo by Will Kerling.]

Will Kerling sent me the following note: "On Sunday August 15, 2010, the Little Yellow butterflies (Eurema lisa) started to emerged big time - counted 32 males and females - along the dunes in Cape May Point State Park. Attached to this message is an image of a male Little Yellow nectaring on Salt-marsh Fleabane. Today, Tom Reed saw at least 52 of them in the same area of the park!

"This butterfly hasn't been seen in Cape May County since I've been here and then some. Michael O'Brien saw a few on July 22, 2010 during the Cape May Butterfly Count. I watched a number of females laying eggs on very young Sennas (Cassia sp.) since the first sightings. It was great to see so many fresh ones Sunday."


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