
Monday, August 23, 2010

Tom Johnson "Kills" Worm-eating Warbler + Spontaneous Generation by Whistling-ducks

[Worm-eating Warbler absolutely nailed by Tom Johnson from the dike at Higbee Beach a couple days ago. I've previously explained how birds reported "from the dike," i.e. at the CMBO Morning Flight count at Higbee Beach WMA, are generally in flight, often far, often in bad light, etc. etc., just not to create false expectations. Birders hoping for decent views are better off checking the tree line from the Morning flight platform at Higbee, or walking the fields. Every now and then, however, if you're quick enough with your bins, or your camera. . . ]

The Cape May Black-bellied Whistling-duck trio has grown by one - 4 were along the west path this morning. I've been stuck in the office this morning and haven't heard much more about the flight - the meadows walk apparently didn't have piles of landbird migrants flying round, despite the west winds - but a Northern Bobwhite has been calling here at CMBO-Goshen close enough and loud enough to be heard through the windows. Very early this morning, a young Bald Eagle flew north near Norbury's Landing, scattering a mob (well 100+) of primarily American Robins and Eastern Kingbirds as it passed over the town there. Donald Phillips reports a Sandhill Crane was near Dividing Creek, Cumberland county yesterday in a cow pasture, perhaps one of the Husted Landing flock.

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