
Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Season Turning

Vince Elia and I were walking back along the dune trail at Cape May Point State Park yesterday and almost at the same time had the same thought. It was the Ruby-crowned Kinglet that triggered it, that and the Yellow-rumped Warblers, Palm Warblers and Eastern Phoebe, all later-fall migrants.  The season turns, the migrant mix changes with the weather and like the foliage. I see Steve Kolbe counted over 1000 birds at the Avalon Seawatch yesterday - though over 800 of them were cormorants, ducks are a-coming.

The crystal ball says maybe more migrants Wednesday, including a hawk flight thanks to forecast northwest winds during the day. Continuing the trend this year, next weekend is shaping up beautifully for some significant migration, just in time for our Cape May Birding Holiday Workshop. In the meantime I suspect many migrant landbirds remain around Cape May Point from yesterday's flight- try around Lily Lake or just walk the streets of the town.

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