
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friday through Sunday - THE PERFECT STORM

Here's the recipe for a dream weekend in Cape May.

1. Timing: late September-early October, peak of autumn avian diversity. Peak Peregrine time.

2. The week before: lousy migration conditions, causing a significant backlog of birds wanting to go, e.g. a wet, windy tropical low coming up the Atlantic seaboard (which is what we've got).

3. The night before: cold front clearing out in the afternoon or early in the night, setting up north northwest winds for the following night and day (s) (which is what is predicted).

The upshot: Friday through Sunday look so good on the forecast maps it makes you shiver.  Just in time for our Cape May Birding Holiday workshop on Saturday - Sunday (still several spaces available). Or any of our walks. Or just hanging out on the hawkwatch platform watching raptors with CMBO's Interpretive Naturalists.

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