
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If you want to see a dreamy weather map for Cape May. . .

American Kestrels were in the triple digits per hour late in the day today (Tuesday), as this front cleared, and Northern Harriers (including two males) and Merlins were also on the move. There was some great shorebird action in front of the hawkwatch this evening too, with 2 White-rumped Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Stilt Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitchers, yellowlegs. . .

And moreover, look at the NWS front forecast now. It's mid-September, a cold front passes late day, northwest wind is forecast all night at 7-14 mph, and most of the day tomorrow too. Friends. . . go birding tomorrow. [FYI, this forecast map is constantly updated, so if you look at this link after tonight (Tuesday), it will have been updated from the recently-passed-cold-front-high-moving-in-boy-this-looks-good depiction currently shown.]

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