
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

News From The Store

With September now upon us, the bird show is really getting going in earnest and this was demonstrated very clearly right here at the Northwood Center. Nestled amongst mature trees at the north end of Lake Lily and but one half mile from Cape May Point's Hawkwatch Platform, a steady trickle of songbird migrants has been filtering through the back (and front!) yard. It seems likely that these birds drop into the general area shortly after dawn, then slowly trickle southward, arriving around the store mid to late afternoon. On Tuesday, highlights included a Philadelphia Vireo, male Black-throated Blue Warbler and two Blackburnian Warblers while this evening, simply getting into my car to drive home proved impossible as a group of six Red-eyed Vireos begged to be photographed. It soon became apparent that they were the vanguard of a flurry of activity as warblers quickly surrounded me on the roadside (aided by a quick pish which got the Carolina Chickadees fired up!) The ensuing throng included Black-and-white, Cape May, Yellow, Prairie and Blackpoll Warblers, Northern Parula, American Redstart, Great Crested Flycatcher, Downy Woodpecker, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and a Scarlet Tanager. So next time you're down at the point, don't forget that we offer the chance of good birding as well as a store that satisfys all your birding needs!

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