
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Riddled with Kinglets, Big Hawk Flight, and Big Sit

[Cape May Point was riddled with kinglets of both species today, not to mention Yellow-rumped Warblers and a sprinking of about a dozen other warbler species. This Golden-crowned Kinglet was along Coral Avenue at midday. Strolling the streets of the point, e.g. those near Pavilion Circle, is great for both songbirds and raptor watching, and a nice change of place from more heavily visited locations.]

A quick post before we're off to the annual "Big Sit," featuring a bunch of crazy birders on the hawk watch platform for the next ~ 24 hours, hoping to break the seemingly unbreakable 146 species record set last year. It's been a heck of a couple days, e.g. 36,000 birds at Morning Flight Friday, and 2,000 + raptors at the hawk watch today. The weather seems poised to deliver significant migration again tonight before the winds finally turn tomorrow during the day.  Today's hawk flight details will be up on View from the Field soon, and Morning Flight results, along with news of the Seawatch, are already there.

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