
Thursday, October 21, 2010

White-tailed Kite Reported at Forsythe NWR

This just in from Scott Barnes, note that the location is NOT the main Forsythe loop drive, i.e. not at "Brig," and also that the report apparently is not confirmed:

"McDuffy Barrow reports a White-tailed Kite in the Forsythe NWR impoundment along Bayshore Drive in Barnegat Township. Note this is NOT the same as Barnegat Light and is on the west side of the bay. Specifically, the bird was sitting on an island with cedar trees and visible from Bayshore Drive opposite the public beach. From the public beach parking lot look west into the impoundment. Any further reports are appreciated."

This would be a second state record. Given the pending weather conditions, if the bird moves south in the next 24 hours it will almost certainly wind up in Cape May, thanks to forecast strong west winds. More info will be posted here as it comes in.

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