
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wind and flycatchers

The wind will simply not let up here. It's been blowing 20-30 mph for four days, now, with, finally, the end in sight tomorrow. Many of us have been couch potatoes or bookworms or workaholics trying to avoid going out in those conditions, but Tom Johnson and Chris Vogel have been keeping the home birding fires going. Tom has apparently been concentrating on flycatchers, as he found an Empidonax that was probably a Least Flycatcher yesterday (on the Cold Spring bike path, north of Hwy 9) and refound the Hidden Valley Ash-throated Flycatcher this morning. The inveterate counters at the Seawatch (Steve Kolbe and Doug Gochfeld) have endured or are enduring the wind and recording some interesting -- though not high-number -- flights. The Seawatch season ends in 15 days, so come on down and put in an appearance, because it will be nine months until we do it all again.

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